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Growing up I had an uncle who dressed up as a clown and drove this funny little car in parades but I never knew why just that he was proud of some group he was in that did this sort of thing. I always wanted to drive that car but he never would let me... sigh. But finally on September 22nd, 2010 after 40 years of waiting I got to drive that car and oh what fun it was and thank you, Cousin Shelly, for that opportunity.

I grew up and started hearing about my uncle's group and that they did strange things behind closed doors? I was told all sorts of things about them like, you have to have a lot of money to be a member, they have sex parties in those buildings they call Lodges... naughty, naughty, it's a society of Satan worshipers and some of them do not even know it! The more degrees a member has the more power he has... gasp! They are working on taking over the world! I could go on but you get the picture.

In the years of my twenties, thirties, and forties I was told by the churches I attended that, "A good Christian man would never have anything to do with this group!" This group was called the Free & Accepted Masons and their nickname was Freemasons. I later found out that they were a fraternity of men worldwide. 

During the summer of 2015 on a Sunday afternoon in a cemetery looking at family burial sites I was standing with one of my relatives who I admire and respect very much. He said out of the blue, "I am getting my fifty-year pin next month." I said, " Well, that's nice... fifty years for what?" He looked at me like I should have known and said it was for being a Mason for fifty years. I about lost it, I had no idea he was a Mason and how could he be because he had been one of the pillars of his Methodist Church forever! I thought that he should know better than to be a part of the Masons! So I went home thinking about how to approach him and tell him I fear he is on dangerous ground being a Christian and belonging to a Gnostic cult group.

Well we started talking and he told me that if in any way it was against Jesus and Christianity he would never have been a member but it was not and that it supported belief in God and the Holy Bible. I had many questions and he said to send him all the questions I wanted and he would answer them all to my satisfaction. So I did just that and emailed him fourteen questions which he did answer to my satisfaction.

Also, I asked a fifty-three-year member why do the Freemasons get so much bad press and is there any truth to it? He was very honest with me and told me that there are splinter groups that are not lawful or constituted Lodges that have Satan worshippers and other bad things but they are not recognized by the real authentic Lodges of Freemasonry. These are the groups that give people books to write and tapes to sell and paid lectures to give... dirty laundry sells! 

I had for a while been feeling I needed to meet new friends and be a part of something beyond myself because try as I may I was not getting that from church and that was sad to me. I decided that I was going to trust my brother-in-law and give Freemasonry a chance. He told me to give it a year and if I did not like it then quit, simple as that.

Well, now having knocked on the door of the Blue Lodge I will be interested to see if my cousin is right or is he fooled as so many I found were in the end. I have met some really good men. I have learned new teachings. 

So now I am like my uncle who was part of the Masons which is the largest and oldest fraternity in the world. I just last Thursday night became a Master Mason and look forward to being able to understand first hand about what really are the Masons. 

UPDATE: Well I spent 5 and a half years exploring Freemasonry and here are a summary of my findings.

1. It is a religion with universal salvation theology doctrine at its core mixed with dark occult symbols and beliefs farther down the rabbit hole.

2. The writings of Albert Pike confirm this in his book, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite on page 219.

3. The members at the local levels are absolutely clueless about all this and would argue with you to the contrary. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite on page 819 and pages 104-105.

4. A true and authentic Christian man should have nothing to do with Freemasonry. 

To learn more here is a good reference, Fast Facts On False Teachings by Ron Carlson and Ed Decker Chapter 5. 

Also Walter Martin's Kingdom of the Cults.

5. They are shrinking in numbers with no end in sight.


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