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Sometimes when you see all the madness of the world and all the hurting people and then strange senseless death happen to good people you cannot but help wonder, "why does God continue to allow suffering?". It is the oldest and deepest question from the dawn of time and will continue until the Second Coming of Christ.

Now I do not want to lead you astray and have you think I have a complete answer or an answer that will satisfy everyone or you who are reading this article at this moment. But I will give some thoughts I hope will give some comfort and insight from the Holy Bible, great thinkers, and my own reasoning.

First off we all live in a sin fallen world. (Romans 8:18-22) Even the prophet Habakkuk questioned the Lord about suffering. (Habakkuk 1:2-4) Job had his frustration with God and wanted answers. (Job 23:1-9) My reasoning tells me God has an answer to why He is allowing suffering here on earth and my mind is not strong enough to understand His answer so by shear faith I believe in the goodness and wisdom of God.

Even the very Messiah Jesus struggled with death (John 11:33-35) and suffering in this world (Luke 22:39-44 / Matthew 26:36-39) to the point an angel had to minister to him. All throughout the Holy Scriptures men and women struggled with this ancient question of why God allows suffering. I do not believe God minds us questioning Him and wrestling with such a weighty issue for He wants to interact with us. The best way I know how to deal with suffering is prayer and I pray even when I have no human words. (Romans 8:26-27)

I like the following quotes about suffering:                            
I have suffered too much in this world not to hope for another. 
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.
Helen Keller (1888-1968) American deaf and blind author 

God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.
Saint Augustine (354 AD -430) Theologian 

Some of the smallest of acts can bring great comfort to the suffering. We do not have to understand God's wisdom for allowing suffering to be a force of overcoming suffering. 
Let us aspire to be of great comfort to the suffering and dying even though we do not have all the answers to this fallen state of humanity; for in the end it may be us who are to be God's answer to suffering.


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