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(WRITTEN 1/28/12)
It's bright and I feel compelled to walk into the light... wait that is for another time. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel of healing. By the first of March, my legs should be strong enough to allow me to work again. This past week I finally see and feel I will achieve full recovery from this long ordeal with my blood clot and muscle tear and yes, and having an allergic reaction to medication that set my healing back a month. There were days I thought I would never heal and this is as good as it is going to get. Depression and doubt and fear crept in like a thief in the night. Sometimes battling my mind and emotions was harder than battling the physical.

I immersed myself in prayer to Almighty God for healing. Also, I read every day the stories in the Holy Bible where Jesus Christ healed all manner of sickness and infirmities. Matthew 8:14-17 and  Luke 4:38-41 are just two examples but there are many more like John 5:1-8 that gave me encouragement that God cared and loved me just like the people in Bible times. The Holy Spirit spoke to my anxiety that my time to be healed was coming and that the healing had already begun.

I was not shy to ask everybody to pray a healing pray for me. I ask to be put on every church Prayer List I could for healing. I went to the Upper Room prayer website and emailed them to pray for my healing. I even asked the Hosts of Heaven to pray on my behalf and Mother Mary to ask her Son to be merciful and heal me. I believe very strongly in the power of prayer and what is called intercessory prayer or the pray to God on behalf of others. Now for all my Protestant brothers and sisters of whom I am one of them, let me say I believe if we can ask people on earth to pray for us, we can ask the Heavenly Host to pray for us also because they are on our side too.

In the last two weeks, I have seen and felt some amazing strides in my healing. My blood thinner medicine is now in the therapeutic range. My balance is coming back and I am no longer prey for cow-tipping or in this case, Rick tipping. Taking steps without the aid of the walker is so exciting. Walking to me is now a miracle action all to itself.

Doctors diagnosis but God heals, amen. I want to share with the world that God is healing me because He loves me and wants to answer our prayers. Now I am at the pool of Bethesda and I have told Jesus I want to get well. Then Jesus said to Rick, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." ...he picked up his mat and walked. Amen. Alleluia.


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