It all started when I was 20 years of age and I was cleaning out a closet and found a Book of Mormon. This was a copy with the gold Moroni angel on the front cover. I opened it up and it looked and read like the Holy Bible which scared me and I thought what a peculiar book. So later I asked the wife of my youth what was that book all about. She said her Dad was a Mormon and her Mom was but went back to being a Baptist. A year later her Father invited us to come to church with him and his second wife and to discuss churches. After an interesting talk and visit to the church, he said he would have the missionaries come out and give us the eight lessons that they had. But I figured nothing else was working in my life I cannot lose trying out this new church. But I tell you that it was a whole lot of lifestyle changes. Throwing out all the booze, cigarettes, and other nefarious things in the trailer we started this new life. In the next few months, we lost all our party friends an...
Looking at life as I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.