Modern Christians no longer want to talk about sin. No longer want to talk about needing repentance. They no longer want to talk about God's wrath against sin. Because of this, we have an increase in Biblical illiteracy for only looking at one side of God you will get a distorted view. As painful or as uncomfortable as it may be we must look at the full nature of God to understand Him better and thus ourselves in the grand scheme of life. Do not shy away from our fallen nature nor that of God's true nature but learn about them and then you will better understand why we needed a Savior, why we need to repent, and why God has such a distaste for sin. Then we can more fully appreciate God's love.
The Holy Bible has many beautiful truths within its pages and the most wonderful story in the world of how a loving and gracious God came from Heaven to Earth to save us from sin and ourselves. What I have seen that saddens my heart is when men and women distort the Bible's precious truths. Sometimes they play mental gymnastics with a rubicon of verses to put together their own view of a topic and make the Bible appear to support their side. Both the liberal and conservative Christians do it and even those who are not even believers play this game. People who want all answers to life and faith but only from the Bible are some of the most toxic and unhappy people I know. Where is their Christlike love? Jesus dealt with this kind of mindset in his mortal time on earth and they were called Pharisees. We must be willing to take the Bible as it is written and what the writers led by the Holy Spirit meant. We must be authentic and transparent. Some things in the Bible are uncomfo...
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