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Showing posts from 2025


  Well, we are counting down the days until the Easter Vigil on April 19th when we will be accepted into the Catholic Church as full-fledged members. Carrying candles into the church, getting blessed with Holy Oil, and getting to take the Eucharist for the first time. Some folks will also get baptized who have not been in the past.  Every church has a few weird beliefs or weird things they do in the name of religion. The Catholic Church is no different but they are not deal-breakers for me. I do like that the Catholic Church does back up its beliefs in the Catechism with scripture and tradition from the Apostles and their mentors. I have found myself not wanting to get bogged down with heady theology like I used to when I was young. It wears me out and does not excite me like it once did. I am more interested now in developing a strong prayer life and quiet reflection time. Quiet time with the Lord. Quiet time with the Saints. Quiet time pondering the Holy Bible which is Lecti...


  Well, we survived another year on planet Earth. Once again the good Lord was our healer, protector, comforter, and guide. I cannot imagine living life without my faith in Jesus Christ. Now I wonder what the year 2025 will bring. I hope it will bring peace worldwide and good health. I hope finances will continue to cover the bills. I hope more people will find faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope more cures for diseases will be found. I hope people learn how to be kind and civil with one another when they disagree. I could hope for more, but maybe it is best to hope a little at a time.  This year has so many possibilities ready to be birthed. I look forward to officially joining the Catholic Church this April 19th at the Easter Vigil. I want to deepen my prayer life and make more time for quiet contemplation. I plan on spending less time on social media.  The strength of our will often determines what we change and how the outcomes turn out in our lives. May the Almigh...