Well, we are counting down the days until the Easter Vigil on April 19th when we will be accepted into the Catholic Church as full-fledged members. Carrying candles into the church, getting blessed with Holy Oil, and getting to take the Eucharist for the first time. Some folks will also get baptized who have not been in the past.
Every church has a few weird beliefs or weird things they do in the name of religion. The Catholic Church is no different but they are not deal-breakers for me.
I do like that the Catholic Church does back up its beliefs in the Catechism with scripture and tradition from the Apostles and their mentors.
I have found myself not wanting to get bogged down with heady theology like I used to when I was young. It wears me out and does not excite me like it once did.
I am more interested now in developing a strong prayer life and quiet reflection time. Quiet time with the Lord. Quiet time with the Saints. Quiet time pondering the Holy Bible which is Lectio Divina which is where you read a passage of scripture. Then you reflect on it and what God is saying to you through that scripture. You then pray on that impression. Next, you sit silent before the Lord letting Him work in your heart.
I am tired of another man's ideas and more interested in what the Holy Spirit has to say to me. It's like I want to listen to a different radio station. I need new music to hear. Music from Heaven and not from theological schools.
When I was young the Christian movement was pushing me to believe that the right theological doctrine along with understanding the Holy Bible correctly and then you were saved. But all the different churches believed in different "right doctrines and right interpretations of the Holy Bible." What a cluster fudge of confusion! I now realize how wrong that was and how that could make a person neurotic always worrying that their salvation was in jeopardy.
Love the Lord and what He did to save you. Love people the best you can and the Lord will take care of your salvation, not you. Recieve-Accept-Love! No theological doctorate is required!
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