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  This Christmas I wanted to give my witness to why we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Jesus’s birth is celebrated because the great Creator of the universe wanted to rescue us from our fallen state that happened in the Garden of Eden. No other religion or philosophy has an answer to solving our sinful condition but Christianity. I witness to you that from reading the Holy Bible and pondering the salvation message from it that the story of Jesus spoke to my soul. I received confirmation from the Holy Spirit that the story of the birth of Jesus is a reality. The reality of the reason for God to take on human form was to pay a penalty we could not pay ourselves. Another witness to me is creation itself for nothing but a great Creator with all knowledge and all power could explain the vast intricate detail of all life and its precise woven connection.     Jesus Christ taught me how to live an earthly life and prepare for a Heavenly life someday. When I look at the cross, I...


  In modern days Christianity is filled with busyness. Church programs and activities can saturate a member throughout the week. Is the Christian faith all about being busy? What about time to gaze at the Lord in adoration. Faith and looking at the Lord are in unison. Believing is done with the heart and so gazing upon the Lord is a way of faith coming from the soul. In a Monastery, we think of monks and nuns just sitting and gazing at icons all day long. But their day is like ours in that there are jobs to be done but they make it intentional to set aside some time throughout their day to gaze at the Lord. Now gazing is not to mean a blank stare or being in some hypnotic state. But engaging our thoughts toward God in a prayerful attitude of contemplation. When we are looking up at the Lord you can be sure His kind eyes are looking back at us. When we direct our eyes upon the Savior then our eyes are no longer focused on ourselves. Sin wants us to cast our gaze inward to ourselves ...


  The Lord gave us five senses to explore, learn, and warn us of danger as we live this mortal life. Also, Jesus Christ gave us five senses to enjoy different types of pleasure while in the mortal flesh. What is interesting and not well known is that these senses can help us go deeper into our spiritual life and open up our sixth sense or spiritual sense. Many times in the Bible God talks about using your senses to know Him more intimately. I would like to explore these with you in a summary list so let us start with the eyes.  The Lord has given us eyes to see the very world He created and all its beauty. Our eyes help us at work and play. We also use our eyes in worship as we look at the cross, altar, icons, and as we read our Bible. 1 Samuel 16:7   New International Version (NIV) 7  But the  Lord  said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The  Lord  does not look at the things people look at. People...


When I first heard there was once again another virus outbreak in China my first thought was "they are always having trouble with diseases" not even thinking it would reach America. But as news reports kept rolling in each day it seemed like the boogie man was creeping closer.  As it finally hit American soil I thought to myself it will be contained on the coasts but never reach the midwest. We are safe. But little did I know it was about to hit the midwest and when it did and the last week of March Governor Holcomb said that by state order he was going to shut down the state of Indiana it was like hearing from a doctor that you have cancer! Now it has been about six weeks and every draw in the house has been cleaned out and reorganized along with every closet in the house has been cleaned out and reorganized. The garage has been cleaned out and reorganized. Bookshelves and cabinets have been cleaned out and reorganized. Now I know a bit how a minimalist feels like. Declu...


As I have watched the world come to what seems a grinding halt, I have to ask myself how do I as a Christian respond to what is going on around me. I will do a few spiritual practices and some tangible actions within my own abilities and will address them in that order. First to me is obvious which is to pray for the healing of the world and protection for those on the frontline of this pandemic.  Secondly, I will be joining a worldwide fast this Sunday, March 29th through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by request of President Russell M. Nelson. I will have no food or drink for eight hours as I spend that time in prayer, reflection, and reading of the holy scriptures.   Now I will actively be calling, texting, emailing to check up on family and friends to see if they are ok and need anything of necessity. This will also give them some social outlet to have a conversation and share their feelings and anxieties.  I will be taking walks, doing y...


Deuteronomy 8:2 New King James Version (NKJV) And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart , whether you would keep His commandments or not. Many times throughout my ministry people have asked me why they are in the "wilderness" and as I have always said the answer to your life's question is in the Holy Bible which is the Word of God. So why do we all have times in the wilderness (hard times, sorrow, loss) because as God's word reveals it is for God to know what is in your heart. Secondly, to humble us to draw us back to the Lord so we may align our lives in accordance with the will of Jesus Christ. How is this done? By reading the Holy Bible daily and praying about it with your Father in Heaven. Allow the Holy Spirit to transform your life.


1 John 1:1 New King James Version (NKJV) That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— John the Beloved writing to the churches and the world expresses here a dimension most often missed. The first word to start the epistle (letter) is "That" to describe Jesus Christ. John found Jesus so multi-dimensional as a "fully-man fully God" personage that John had a hard time trying to describe Jesus with human language. That is where we at times enter what is called "the mystery of God" in that we at times are limited in understanding fully who Jesus was and is both in the mortal flesh and also across the Veil in Glory. Faith in Jesus helps us move past the mystery to acceptance regardless of not having all the answers to understanding all the dimensions of Jesus.