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After journeying to Bethlehem to worship the Baby Jesus we then sprint right into a new year with hopes of all kinds of changes.

Maybe last year had too many changes and your hope is for a time of no changes which would still be a change in itself!

Let’s take a look at Isaiah 61, the chapter talks about the deliverance of God’s people through an “anointed servant” and in Hebrew anointed means someone who has been consecrated to a special task to perform.

The Jews thought the Messiah was going to be a great military leader and by violent force free Israel from her suppressors.

Little did they realize that the Messiah was going to free them from themselves of a sinful nature and eternal separation from God.

Jesus was going to change them and give them a new way to live, a new way to think, a new way to believe, a new way to talk, a new way to worship and restore them to a better condition. Jesus wants to do the same with you and me.

Now last month my 2004 GMC truck started making noises like a sick raccoon and I felt like Fred Flintstones trying to stop the truck. I had lost the complete brake system. I nursed the truck into the auto repair shop that I have gone to for 12 years. Everything brake related had to be replaced.

I felt like I had a new truck when I got it back. I thought to myself that I had this much work put into the truck I should restore it some more and so my truck headlights and taillights had cataracts and so I went man shopping which is “Amazon” and when they came to the door I went to YouTube and believed in myself (I am no mechanic by any stretch) but I installed new headlights and taillights and now I can see at night!

Next I started to sand the rust spots and spray painted some areas and covered up areas of the truck with a bug shield and wheel flares (thank you again Amazon and YouTube) then feeling good about all I had done myself I put a Punisher steering wheel cover on and had a friend put some graphics on the truck to cover up some worn areas.

Like me, my truck and I are older and we have to start covering up more!

But this is what Jesus does with us, usually one thing at a time Jesus works on restoring us. Fixing and replacing, sanding out our rough edges, adding this and adding that until we appear new. He may even have to cover up some areas!

But we must be willing to take our self to the Jesus Christ repair shop called “Salvation.”

Jesus gets under our hood and replaces the sin in our hearts and minds with new and healthy, holy thoughts and desires.
Jesus drains the sin out of us, replaces the old dirty filter with a new clean filter called the Holy Bible.
Jesus then fills us with the Holy Spirit so we run better in this world.
Jesus would have us on a regular maintenance schedule of daily prayer, daily scripture reading, and church worship when possible.

Revelation 21:5 (NIV)

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
I hope you will allow Jesus to make you new this year if you have not already.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Living Bible

When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!
You may have been a Christian for 50 years now but there is still areas of our life that can be made new or refurbished!
Keep striving not just surviving.
Don’t give Jesus lip service.
Be filled with the excitement to live for Jesus, let Him do a little custom work on you!
In closing, I will leave you with one last gem...

Psalm 34:1 Living Bible

I will praise the Lord no matter what happens. I will constantly speak of his glories and grace.
If you want to defeat this world, defeat Satan and his minions, then praise the Lord!
You want to feel better? Then Praise the Jesus who died for you!
Praising the Lord shakes the gates of Hell!
We do not praise enough and we wonder why we are weak, Praise Him!
We are too embarrassed to raise our hands up to the Christ who atoned for our sins.
Let us shout an amen! To the King of kings and Lord of Lords!
Jesus told us that if we are ashamed of Him then He will be ashamed of us before the Father!

Mark 8:38 Living Bible
And anyone who is ashamed of me and my message in these days of unbelief and sin, I, the Messiah, will be ashamed of him when I return in the glory of my Father, with the holy angels.”
So when your truck is broke down, Praise Him!
Your money is funny, Praise Him!
Your faith is being attacked, Praise Him!
Your health is a challenge, Praise Him!
Old age is not for sissies, Praise Him!
Whatever is negative in your life right now, get up and Praise Him!
God bless you with a new year full of possibilities, blessings, and love!
Now go out and seize this life of yours and let Jesus help you live it to the fullest to glorify your Savior and Lord!


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