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I have read a book called Saving Paradise which is intriguing and troublesome at the same time. I went downtown Indianapolis to Christ's Cathedral on the circle to hear a mini-lecture by the authors who happened to be in town. They are two women who have spent their whole life being theologians. Both had some interesting points but in the end, I smelled something in the pot that should not be there! It's called an "agenda"! 

In this time of history, there are many voices out there all claiming truth and knowledge about the Bible and Jesus. The sad part about it is the majority of it is false doctrines of one form or another with heresy sprinkled in for good measure. Thus my spirit laments the unsound Christian beliefs ground we now stand on.

The two women authors agenda was to take away the power of the Cross and replace it with the Garden of Eden. Which they believe is still here on earth and so here comes the "lets worship mother earth doctrine", go green! I am all for being good stewards of creation but not worshiping creation only the Creator.

Next came their theory that Christ did not die for our sins but that Rome stopped a radical passive political activist. The Eucharist or Holy Communion was to celebrate paradise here on earth not to remember Christ's atoning blood shed for us or the body broken for us or His resurrection to give us eternal life. Oh no, Jesus died only because of betrayal from His friends. The authors completely ignored St. Paul's "theology of the cross". They also said, "there is no original sin we were born blessed". So evil is just a figment of my imagination!?!

What is amazing is that they got all these new opinions from looking at first and second-century Christian art.  Formed their own opinions about what they were looking at and called it "fact"! Now they claim the modern church now has it all wrong in their belief system. Also, the Holy Bible is wrong about what they do not like and should be ignored. Ala carte Christianity at it's finest!

They had a real ax to grind that the church has been so suppressive of women. I say if they did not have deaf ears and blind eyes they would see that Christianity and Jesus Christ gave freedom and dignity back to women. They were all about women's rights as if men's rights should not be given a second thought. This is what they call equality for all?

And of course I was waiting for this one to come up and by now it was no surprise from this feminist liberal agenda invading the Christian faith and exploding right in front of me especially because I was in the front row. There is no Hell. This is because there is no sin and we all get a "get out of jail free pass"! Well, this most certainly puts Christ's death on the cross in vain for everybody. All Jesus would have had to do is tell us to all hold hands and sing "Kum Ba Yah" and then head back to Heaven. Oh, how sweet, believe anything, do anything, does not matter we all get into paradise. This all makes over half the Holy Bible obsolete which is what most would love to see happen in this world just to ease their own guilt and shame.

I will warn everyone: just because it says it is a zebra does not mean it is if it looks and sounds like an elephant and has no stripes!
1 Timothy 4:1
2 Timothy 3:7, 13
Titus 1:10-11 / 2:1
2 Peter 1:16 /  2:1-2
Jude 17-19
Matthew 24:4
Matthew 7:13-14


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