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Showing posts from September, 2024


In ancient times people built huge walls around their city to keep the people safe. There would be three shifts throughout the night to keep watch for any possible enemy that would come to harm them. The men of these shifts were called the Night Watchmen. They would walk on top of the wall around the city watching to see any need to sound an alarm. They were also assigned to light street lamps throughout the city on the first watch. The first shift was from 6 pm to 10 pm then the second shift was from 10 pm to 2 am and then finally the morning shift was from 2 am to 6 am. Now at 6 am, the Watchmen would blow the horn to announce it was morning and time to get up and start your day. Now today our Night Watchmen would be considered the police who patrol at night in our towns and cities. The military scans the skies at night to detect any possible attacks on the country itself.  Now I would like to focus on who is the Night Watchmen of our spiritual lives? Usually, that is ourselves and s


  About a week ago I thought I caught a stomach virus. Four days later in pain and sleep-deprecated I went to the doctor to find out I had a gallbladder attack. After another five days in the hospital, I finally had the intense pain gone and I was able to sleep more than 30 minutes. But now I am home and my energy level is running low which is awful for a high-energy guy who likes to go and get it in life. I never saw all this coming or I would have made some decisions to try and avoid this or at least contain it. Life I believe is part of how the Good Lord helps us mature and learn about ourselves more in this mortal state before moving back into our spiritual dimension again. Now this is provided we accept the key to entrance in the Kingdom of Glory by accepting what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross to redeem us from our sin-filled condition. Now this is a belief that can be accepted as truth or denied completely to the person's peril. Just a year ago I was staring at going t