Yes, folks, it is an election year and of course, both parties believe they are going to save the world. Sorry, but Jesus Christ already did that some 2000 years ago. Now the other fun fact about this is every election year it is a Chicken Little story all over again, which is the sky is falling if the Republicans get into office, and the sky is falling if the Democrats get into office.
This reminds me of how news on the weather is nowadays. There will be one inch of snow coming which is the great white death from above so stock up on everything. The exaggeration from political parties and the news is absolutely off the charts in this day and age. Gone are the Walter Cronkite and Tom Brokaw days of newscasting.
Social media can be used for good and even to spread the gospel message but also it can perpetuate lies and deceit. I hope it is used more responsibly than what I have been witnessing.
So back to politics and voting, I would say do your best to try and find reliable information on each candidate which may take some patience and work. Then vote either your wallet or your conscience. No choice of candidate or party will be perfect but the freedom to vote is a wonderful privilege so long as there is no vote tampering.
Ultimately, my party is the Heavenly Kingdom and my candidate is Jesus Christ. Any more revealing information may sway your vote so I will not go any farther. Now I must be off to build a bomb shelter and stock it with food and ammo.
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