Saturday nights usually you go to dinner and then go dancing. Sometimes you take in a movie or take in a play or concert. But one does not think it would be entertaining to be in the ER with a cardiac event. But that is where I found myself last Saturday night. All month long I have had different signs that something was wrong but did not connect the dots. Bouts of tiredness, trying to catch my breath, back pain, gaining weight with water retention, and rapid heart rate. Finally a trip to the care express where they discovered a very loud heart murmur at which they wanted to move me via ambulance to the hospital. I refused the ambulance ride and drove to pick up Roma and she drove me the rest of the way to the hospital. In the ER they hooked me up to so many tubes and wires I looked like the Borg from Star Trek. Lying there as helpless as a lamb to the slaughter I felt like I was in one of the shows of Grey's Anatomy. I realized as this was all going on I really had no control. Yes...
Looking at life as I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.