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August 13th 2017 / DID YOU GO?

Today is Sunday and I was wondering did you the reader go to church today? I hope you made the effort to assemble with the faithful and offer homage to God with praises and offerings. I hope you were blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit. What is sad to me is when a person makes the effort to get up early and go on Sunday to a house of worship only to experience no peace or joy or blessing. No feeling the Holy Spirit's presence but only emptiness. It could have happened from a cold faith community, bad homily, music that made you cringe or something else but whatever it was, just know that the Lord will bless you for your effort and wanting to worship Him. Maybe next Sunday you will have a better experience at another church but keep trying and do not give up your search of where you can feel authentic worship of Jesus and you can grow in faith. 

Hebrews 10:25New Living Translation (NLT)

25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Prayer: O'Lord, may I always desire to worship You and help me with a faith community of worship, in Jesus name, Amen.


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