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Showing posts from March, 2017

March 28th 2017 / BE LIKE A CHILD

The disciples of Jesus once asked about who will be the greatest in Heaven. Jesus brought a child to them and told them unless they are like a child they will not only not be the greatest but will not be welcome in Heaven! So why a child? Because a child is humble and teachable along with no regard for outward distinctions and willing to be dependent upon their parents. We as Christians should be humble enough to allow ourselves to be teachable from the Holy Bible and Pastors who are sound in doctrine. We should not judge people by the color of their skin or nationality, or other outward distinctions. And we need to humble ourselves and allow dependents upon Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Let us live with childlike awe before Our Father who reigns in Heaven and on earth. Matthew 18:1-3 Christian Standard Bible (CSB) At that time the disciples  came to Jesus and asked, “So who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”   2  He called a child and had him stand a...


I have found that when I go days without reading my devotions or taking time in reading the Holy Bible I start to feel spiritually malnourished. We as humans have the strong drive to eat. This helps us keep our bodies strong and functional. If we neglect feeding our bodies we become weak and sick.  Now the same is true when we neglect our spiritual bodies, they become weak and vulnerable to the darkness, lies, and worldly ways that hurt our faith. We must feed our spiritual souls with prayer and reading the Holy Bible to keep our faith strong and functional. Let us be vigilant in feeding not just our flesh and bone bodies but our spiritual soul as well. John 15:4-5 Christian Standard Bible (CSB) 4  Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me.   5  I am the vine;  you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, ...


The late Dr. William Arnett of Asbury Theological Seminary spoke on Biblical Authority at the  Third Annual Meeting of the Wesleyan Theological Society and said,  "It has been observed that the watershed of present-day theology remains one's attitude toward the Bible as the ultimate and  final authority for faith and practice. Whether or not we agree with this observation, it must be admitted that many of our difficulties and divisions arise out of basic attitudes or views toward the Holy Scriptures."  All past and present disputes and disagreements on any topic will always boil down to whether a person believes in the actual inspired Word of God or just humanities reaction to the thought of a great creator and wrote them down and called it canon. Through prayer and the reading of the Holy Bible one can attain from the Holy Spirit a witness or testimony that the Holy Bible is truly the inspired Word of God given to humanity for them to have the knowledge of sa...

March 25th 2017 / UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Back in medieval times, the building of cathedrals had taken many years to construct. It took many workers of varies skills and trade guilds to apply their craft to make such awe-inspiring houses of worship. King Solomon's Temple took seventy thousand apprentices, eighty thousand fellow crafts, and three thousand three hundred overseers of the work along with three grand masters of the entire project. Construction of quality takes time and the use of quality material. The same can be said of constructing a Christian life of quality. It takes many years to mature and grow in your walk with Jesus. Building a Christian life needs to be made with the finest material like pray, study of the Holy Bible, partaking of the Holy Sacraments of baptism and the Holy Communion. Also, the raising yourself up in a Christ centered and Bible-believing church where you can be in the fellowship of other mature believers. Build your life in Christ and spare no cost in the materials. Jude 20-21 Chri...

March 24th 2017 / GOODBYE DARKNESS

I needed a flashlight for a survival pack I was putting together and purchased a Guidesman 700 Lumen LED Flashlight. I fell in love with this flashlight! It is so awesome, I can shine it even when it is daylight it is so bright. I can adjust how wide or thin I want my light rays. It is very comfortable to hold and is compact. It is fun and it is the only flashlight I ever felt attached too. The Apostle John wrote a lot about light and darkness in his book and his letters. John talks about God being light and that light makes the darkness disappear. Light is more powerful than dark and I like that image of God's glory shining forth to dispel the darkness of sin and evil. Jesus tells us to let our light shine so men and women may give God the glory! 1 John 1:5 Christian Standard Bible CSB This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in him. Prayer: O'Lord, may our Christlike light shine and bring more so...

March 23rd 2017 / SPRING

In the cycle of the seasons, it is always fun to begin Spring. You get to open windows and let in the fresh air and season little colors of perennial flowers popping out of the ground. Excitement is in the air of fun outdoor cookouts and walks along the lake.  In our Christian life, there are cycles and seasons where we grow and mature and seasons of praising and worshipping the Lord for answering prayers. The excitement of Bible Study, church camps, sharing Jesus with a friend. May your life bloom with the love of Jesus to change your corner of the world. Psalm 103:1-2 Christian Standard Bible CSB 1  My soul, bless the  Lord , and all that is within me, bless his holy name. 2  My soul, bless the  Lord , and do not forget all his benefits. Prayer: Blessed be your name Lord, thank you for the many seasons of nature and the seasons of our Christian walk with you O'Lord, in Jesus name we pray, amen. 

March 22nd 2017 / MALWARE

Speaking in modern terms sin is malware! Just like malware that is intended to damage and or disable computers so sin is intended to damage your life here on earth and life in the hereafter or disable your life for any good purpose. Praise the Lord He downloaded Jesus Christ to earth to root out and disable the sin malware and keep us secure and safe as we surf life as a disciple of Jesus. If you have not installed Jesus Christ into your life yet then why not ask Him into your life today and live secure in the assurance of your salvation in Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:11-13 Christian Standard Bible CSB 11  And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  12  The one who has the Son has life. The one who does not have the Son of God does not have life.  13  I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. Prayer: O'Father, thank you for t...

March 21st 2017 / MIDDLE OF LENT

It is about the middle of the Lent season. How are you doing? Are you still craving whatever it is you are denying yourself to relate to the suffering of Jesus? Have you added something and are you keeping up with that addition? If you say I am trying but it has not been easy, then good! It is a time to reflect on the trials and suffering of Jesus. It is a time to reflect on your trials and suffering in trying to live a Christian life. If you fall or break your Lent resolution that is ok. Why you may ask because it is all about the time of reflecting on how hard a path you have chosen when you decided to follow Jesus. It is a time to understand why only Jesus could save us from our sinful, weakened nature's we were born with from the Fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Keep trying for there is a victory on Resurrection Morning! Romans 7:22-25 Christian Standard Bible CSB 22  For in my inner self I delight in God’s law,  23  but I see a different...

March 20th 2017 / PICTURES

Going through pictures of someone who has passed away is a wake-up call to how fleeting life is. Mainly in pictures, we see the good times that the person had and did. But pictures not taken are usually the day to day routines that make up a larger part of our lives We sleep, work, come home and work some more, and then do it all over again the next day. Try to take a little time to break up your routine and enjoy a moment of living life in a refreshing way... and maybe take a picture... smile! Ephesians 5:15-16 Christian Standard Bible CSB Pay careful attention, then, to how you live ​— ​not as unwise people but as wise —  16  making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Prayer: Father in Heaven, may we live in your ways and find joy and contentment, in Jesus name,                    amen.


Picking a verse out of scripture and trying to interpret it standing alone is a dangerous folly that can lead to misunderstanding of the scriptures and a toxic doctrine. Unlocking the teachings of the Holy Bible one must read a paragraph or two before the verse in question and a paragraph or two after the verse to see what context the verse is set in. But knowing the background of who the writer was and what was his targeted audience will help open more meaning into and unlock the true meaning of the Holy Bible when you read and study it. What a joy and wonder is reading the spirit-filled Holy Bible. 1 Timothy 3:16-17 Christian Standard Bible CSB All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness,  17  so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. Prayer: O'Lord help me understand Your word by careful study, in Jesus name, amen.

March 18th 2017 / SIMPLE CAN BE POWERFUL

In church yesterday and at a time of the service when the handbell choir was to perform the pastor got up and invited everyone to come forward and light a candle and then go pray at the kneeling altar rail. It was the most powerful part of the service and it yet was just a simple act of lighting a candle and praying. Light a candle today and pray. Mark 1:35 Christian Standard Bible Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he got up, went out, and made his way to a deserted place; and there he was praying.  Prayer: Lord, we lift up simple act to you and may you be pleased by our prayers to You, amen.

March 17th 2017 / ST. PATRICK

On St. Patrick's Day everyone wears green and eats corn beef and cabbage for good luck. It is a fun holiday that celebrates that St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland. I think it would be wonderful if we could all be like St. Patrick and bring the saving love of Jesus Christ to everyone on the face of the earth at this time! Now that would be a joyous of celebration indeed! Luke 15:10 Christian Standard Bible CSB 10  I tell you, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents. Prayer: Father, give us boldness to share your story of saving grace, in Jesus name, amen.

March 16th 2017 / ANXIETY

This world has everyone wound up tighter than ticks on a hound dog. The two biggest problems that contributed to this is 24 hour news and social media. People need a break from both each day other wise they are going to see and hear gloom and doom, hate and rape, and carnage every minute of every hour. The addiction to smart phones does not help this problem. All this makes people anxious and ready to pop another pill so as not to feel. What the world needs a break away from their phones, news, and social media. They need a space of time to be quiet each day. Time to pray, think, breathe in and breathe out. 1 Peter 5:7 Christian Standard Bible CSB 7  casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you. Prayer: O'Lord, take our cares and worries from us and give us peace, in Jesus name, amen.

March 15th 2017 / RESTART

Computers can be great tools to use and then there are times when computers are just maddening! There are times when a computer needs a "restart" to get it working at peak efficiency and to help it download and install needed updates and security patches and all those kinds of things. Sometimes just refresh the page on the screen and that helps. Now as humans we need a restart on a daily basis. Now that restart is when we take a nap or get a night of sleep to reboot our bodies and minds to work at peak efficiency. We also need to each day have a restart in our spiritual lives and download the Holy Bible in our minds and heart. We need to refresh ourselves in prayer every day. Then we can operate our spiritual software at top speed. Titus 3:4-5 Christian Standard Bible CSB 4. But when the kindness of God our Savior and his love for mankind appeared,  he saved us not by works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his mercy through the...

March 14th 2017 / CONTEMPORARY MUSIC

The Lord loves music because He invented or created music. Thank you Lord, for that brilliant creation we call music. I enjoy contemporary music and my favorite artist is Fernando Ortega. He is folksy and the lyrics tell a deep story or point about life and faith in God. One of my favorite songs of his is called "Give Me Jesus" which was written as a tribute to Ruth Graham for her funeral. Music can be a ministry to the body of Christ to help set our minds and hearts in the proper mood for worship or to heal our hurting souls. I enjoy some of the old Hymns also like "I Need Thee Every Hour" and "Come to The Waters" and many others. Let Christain music bless you whether it is old or new or a mix of both and "Sing to the Lord." Psalm 100:2 Christian Standard Bible CSB 2  Serve the  Lord  with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for music and let us praise you with music and singing, in Jes...

March 13th 2017 / MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT

Do you ever have a night of sleep where you wake around 2 or 3 AM and cannot go back to sleep? I do from time to time and when that happens I turn on the lamp light low and turn on some soft instrumental music low and read the Holy Bible. I figure maybe God woke me up and wants to speak to me. I also have a prayer with Him and then after a short time the light goes out and I am back to sleep. Don't fight it but embrace that middle of the night Godly nudge, Jesus wants some time alone with you. 1 Samuel 3:10 Christian Standard Bible CSB The  Lord  came, stood there, and called as before, “Samuel, Samuel! ” Samuel responded, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Prayer:  O heavenly Father, you give your children sleep for the refreshing of soul and body: Grant me this gift, I pray; keep me in that perfect peace which you have promised to those whose minds are fixed on you; and give me such a sense of your presence, that in the hours of silence I may enjoy t...

March 12th 2017 / CHRISTIAN DARK AGES

As I was listening to the Moody Bible Radio an Orthodox author was on talking about we now have entered into a new era in Christian history. He called it the "Christian Dark Ages" which I have to agree with. We no longer are welcome in the public square. We are looked down upon as faithists because we believe you have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved or you cannot enter Heaven. So we have become the marginalized, the outcasts, and the undesirables in western culture now. But that does not mean we are wrong. That does not mean the Holy Bible is not God's Holy Word. What it means is that we must be stronger in our faith. We must spend more time in prayer and read the Holy Bible daily to be strong enough to endure to the end and not lose faith in Jesus. John 16:33 New Living Translation (NLT) 33  I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” ...

March 11th 2017 / PEN AND PAPER

Now living in the digital age people act like the internet is air! I often wonder what would happen if the internet was disbanded would people go into withdrawals? My first answer is yes! I just might be one of those people because I do enjoy the internet. But with many things in this world it can be used for good or evil. But sometimes it is healthy to turn off all your electronics and journal with pen and paper your thoughts and feelings, dreams and aspirations. You might be surprised what comes out of you in the silence of our souls.  Psalm 116:1-2 New Living Translation (NLT) 1  I love the  Lord  because he hears my voice      and my prayer for mercy. 2  Because he bends down to listen,      I will pray as long as I have breath! Prayer: O'Lord, here the words of my mouth and help me to live vibrantly and use the internet with caution and wisdom, in Jesus name, amen.

March 10th 2017 / SORRY, I AM WRONG

In life, there are times we have the right answer, say the right thing, go to the right place, and have the right time. But we are not always right. Now when the time comes we are in the wrong or believe the wrong thing or say the wrong thing we need to own up. A mature and ethical person will stand up and tell the group or the other person, " I am sorry, I was wrong."  Now as a Christian sometimes I have believed and taught the wrong thing and I had to change my views and thinking and make apologies. I had to swallow my pride and realize I make mistakes and I need renewal and a reevaluation of my beliefs or actions. Do not be afraid to change for the better and do not be afraid to say, "I was wrong, I am sorry." Now go make that phone call or send that text or email and apologize. You will feel so much better if you do! Romans 12:2 New Living Translation (NLT) 2  Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person b...

March 9th 2017 / CHRISTIAN FICTION

There are many a "fiction" book and movie written and made with a Christian theme in mind. One that I enjoyed was called The Shack which I have read the book and seen the movie and enjoyed both just as I enjoyed the Chronicles of Narnia. A fiction story, an artful expression of imagination that was never intended to be a documentary or a teaching media of a theology class in a seminary  or religion class. I did not boycott Narnia because they portrayed God as a jungle lion.  My point, do not expect theological correctness when none was intended. Learn to separate what is professed fiction and what is professed non-fiction. Now go enjoy a book. 2 Corinthians 3:17 New Living Translation (NLT) 17  For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Prayer: Father, thank you for giving us a discerning mind of reason, amen.

March 8th 2017 / DIABOLOS

The greek word diabolos mean "to divide" and is another word for Satan. Now that is exactly what Satan intends to do is divide the church and divide a person's faith for in John 10:10 says that Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy Heavenly Father's plans and also a Christian's testimony in Christ. Sometimes Satan uses false teaching and preaching from corrupt pastors and priests to divide and steal a person's testimony of Jesus. Also to destroy churches by dividing them on issues of faith and more. But greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4) So take heart for by the blood of the Lamb and your testimony you can conquer Satan. (Revelation 12:11) John 10:10 New Living Translation (NLT) 10  The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you that You have opened the way to overcome Satan and his ways, in Jesus name, amen.

March 7th 2017 / REJECTION

As someone who likes to write, I just got another rejection letter from a devotional ministry. Also as a bi-vocational Pastor, I have been rejected from getting to preach or pastor at some churches. It is important what we do with rejection. If we let rejection stop us we may never have a breakthrough. I never stopped believing I could be a good pastor and I finally got ordained and was a Senior Pastor for five years. I have not stopped writing and I hope someday I will get published.  Jesus was rejected many times throughout His ministry on earth. The Pharisees rejected Him, the Sadducees rejected Him, the Scribes rejected Him, Rome, Satan, and even Peter denied Him. But Jesus pushed on and pushed through to victory for Himself and the whole world. Why you may ask should I continue on,,, because just beyond the clouds is the Sun, after the dark night comes the light of the morning, just when you cannot take one more rejection, Jesus helps you win the victory of your efforts and ...

March 6th 2017 / NO RELIGION PLEASE

I have spent half my life trying to be a good Christian man. I have tried doing that by living out western Christian religions such as Methodist, Mormon, Baptist, Lutheran, Anglican, Evangelical Comunity Churches. When I could not live up to all their standards or believe in their particular doctrines I would get frustrated and find another church. People make fun of me and think I am crazy changing churches all the time but I was only trying to please Jesus by how I worshiped Him and by what church I was in. Jesus knows my heart. Now I am tired of the chase and I just want to enjoy my love of Jesus and have joy in my salvation. I hope that I can be more in tune with the Holy Spirit and just be filled with love and compassion and where grace is given grace is received. I want to just read and study the Holy Bible to learn and grow close to Jesus and not just so I can have an apologetic answer to everything to win an argument or convince someone of the truth of Jesus as Savior. I ...

March 5th 2017 / SOCIAL MEDIA

I was thinking what it would have been like had social media been around when Jesus Christ was on the earth? How many tweets would have been about Him on Twitter or would Jesus have His own Facebook page? People who went to see Him preach and teach would they have taken His picture with Snapchat and put filters on Him to look like He had a rainbow tongue? It is interesting to think that without technology and social media word of Jesus spread fast, very fast and even went worldwide. Jesus is on modern social media today in many different ways. I hope most importantly Jesus is in your heart... Mark 1:27-28 English Standard Version (ESV) 27  And they were all  amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this?  A new teaching with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.”   28  And at once his fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee. Prayer: Father, thank for the news about J...


What is most interesting about animals is that they are what they are!  A monkey is a monkey, it likes to eat monkey food, it likes to sleep like a monkey, it likes to play like a monkey, a monkey's parents have baby monkies.  If you treat a monkey like a penguin and a penguin like a monkey you will kill them.  If you take a horse and spray paint it the color of a zebra that horse will not start acting like a zebra or eat like a zebra. Humans are the only creatures on earth that want to be something they are not.  We are constantly looking to be something other than who we are. O ur Lord accepts us for who we are and p ersonally, I find being a child of God is challenging enough that I don’t need to try to be something that I’ am not. Be what you are and meant to be! Genesis 2:19 Holman Christian Standard Bible 19  So the  Lord  God formed out of the ground every wild animal and every bird of the sky and brought each to the man to see wh...

March 3rd 2017 / LAUS DEO!

There are two words in Latin engraved on the cap of the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. which are Laus Deo. The construction of this obelisk began in 1848 on July 4th when James Polk was President. On that day they laid a Holy Bible in the cornerstone and a law was passed that no building in Washington D.C. can be built higher than the Washington Monument. Now you are wondering what do the words mean and here is the answer "Praise be to God!" Thank you to the Founding Leaders of this country we call America. May we continue to Praise our Holy God! Psalm 127:1 New Living Translation (NLT) Unless the  Lord  builds a house,      the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the  Lord  protects a city,      guarding it with sentries will do no good. Prayer: Dear Lord, protect our country and let us praise You, in Jesus name, amen.

March 2nd 2017 / PUSHING ON

Do you ever feel like you should be doing something but you just do not have the energy? When this happens do not panic. Give yourself time to rest and then you will have the energy to do those things you need to do. In other words be good to yourself, allow for some self-healing. Even God rested after six days of creation work. Rest in the Lord by reading the Psalms, praying, and listening to God's voice.  Matthew 11:28 New Living Translation (NLT) 28  Then Jesus said,  “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Prayer: Heavenly Father, please give me refreshing rest, amen.