I have recently been thinking about what it is like to live in a time when you have to rethink or fact-check everything. It is tiring and outright exhausting not being able to trust things at face value. THE BIG PRINT GIVES IT and the little print takes it away! Satan works this way in our lives: You are of the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44 It is no wonder we have to be constantly alert and on guard. Fake news is a big one but there are knock-off Air Jordan sneakers, Gucci handbags, Rolex watches, and the list goes on and on. Identity theft is another player on the block where a person steals another person's identity and then poses as them but they are just a cheap knock-off! I want the truth. I want authenticity. I do not want to waste my ...
Well, we are counting down the days until the Easter Vigil on April 19th when we will be accepted into the Catholic Church as full-fledged members. Carrying candles into the church, getting blessed with Holy Oil, and getting to take the Eucharist for the first time. Some folks will also get baptized who have not been in the past. Every church has a few weird beliefs or weird things they do in the name of religion. The Catholic Church is no different but they are not deal-breakers for me. I do like that the Catholic Church does back up its beliefs in the Catechism with scripture and tradition from the Apostles and their mentors. I have found myself not wanting to get bogged down with heady theology like I used to when I was young. It wears me out and does not excite me like it once did. I am more interested now in developing a strong prayer life and quiet reflection time. Quiet time with the Lord. Quiet time with the Saints. Quiet time pondering the Holy Bible which is Lecti...