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  I have recently been thinking about what it is like to live in a time when you have to rethink or fact-check everything. It is tiring and outright exhausting not being able to trust things at face value. THE BIG PRINT GIVES IT and the little print takes it away!  Satan works this way in our lives: You are of the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44 It is no wonder we have to be constantly alert and on guard. Fake news is a big one but there are knock-off Air Jordan sneakers, Gucci handbags, Rolex watches, and the list goes on and on. Identity theft is another player on the block where a person steals another person's identity and then poses as them but they are just a cheap knock-off! I want the truth. I want authenticity. I do not want to waste my ...
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  Well, we are counting down the days until the Easter Vigil on April 19th when we will be accepted into the Catholic Church as full-fledged members. Carrying candles into the church, getting blessed with Holy Oil, and getting to take the Eucharist for the first time. Some folks will also get baptized who have not been in the past.  Every church has a few weird beliefs or weird things they do in the name of religion. The Catholic Church is no different but they are not deal-breakers for me. I do like that the Catholic Church does back up its beliefs in the Catechism with scripture and tradition from the Apostles and their mentors. I have found myself not wanting to get bogged down with heady theology like I used to when I was young. It wears me out and does not excite me like it once did. I am more interested now in developing a strong prayer life and quiet reflection time. Quiet time with the Lord. Quiet time with the Saints. Quiet time pondering the Holy Bible which is Lecti...


  Well, we survived another year on planet Earth. Once again the good Lord was our healer, protector, comforter, and guide. I cannot imagine living life without my faith in Jesus Christ. Now I wonder what the year 2025 will bring. I hope it will bring peace worldwide and good health. I hope finances will continue to cover the bills. I hope more people will find faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope more cures for diseases will be found. I hope people learn how to be kind and civil with one another when they disagree. I could hope for more, but maybe it is best to hope a little at a time.  This year has so many possibilities ready to be birthed. I look forward to officially joining the Catholic Church this April 19th at the Easter Vigil. I want to deepen my prayer life and make more time for quiet contemplation. I plan on spending less time on social media.  The strength of our will often determines what we change and how the outcomes turn out in our lives. May the Almigh...


  This third week of Advent we light the pink candle that represents "Joy" and we should be joyous as we look forward to the birth of the Savior of the world. The scripture from Philippians 4:4 says "Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice." I am reminded that thinking positively uplifts one even in not-so-happy times. So I rejoice as I feel the love of the Father. I try to have a grateful heart which leads me to rejoice. This time of year I rejoice as I celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ to save us from sin and lead us to a much better life here and in the hereafter. Merry Christmas Jesus!  


During the  second week of Advent, we light the candle of "Faith". This candle is also called the Bethlehem Candle because we remember Joseph and Mary's long journey to the town of Bethlehem to have the census taken for Rome.  Faith is the engine of a religious life. When you dare to have faith you are putting your hope in the faith you confess. My faith is in Jesus Christ as Savior of the world and I conduct my life according to that faith belief. Faith gives me balance and understanding in this world. It also helps give me purpose and has softened my heart to be kind and love people, animals, and nature that was created by the Lord.


  I love following the Christian seasonal calendar. It is a rhythm in my life that brings comfort. Now today is the first day of the Advent season and the beginning of the Liturgical year. We use in the church an Advent wreath in which each Sunday we light a candle that represents a virtue. This first week the candle that is lit is the candle of "Hope." We "Hope" for the coming of the Messiah. We anticipate his coming into the world to be our Savior. So it is a time of year that we intentionally try to be still and ponder the coming of the Messiah. We thought he would come as a mighty warrior to overthrow the Roman occupation and bring back the days of King David.  But God had other plans for us that were so much bigger and better than our limited minds could fathom. He came as a warrior of "Hope" to overthrow our sinful nature and occupy our hearts. We also did not anticipate the Messiah would come as a baby in a low-income area of Israel. Come He did and...


  I have always wondered why good works had nothing to do with salvation. I realize the Holy Bible says it would allow us to boast and take away from God's gift of salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9) So one can get saved and then go on living a life as if they are not saved. That never made any sense to me since we are supposed to be filled with the Holy Spirit. But I have run across an answer that for me is very satisfying. In 1545 the Council of Trent gathered to discuss and answer back to the Reformation so as to clarify Christian doctrine on the issues that the Reformers were protesting. There were many topics and the Council lasted from 1545 to 1563. Also where the church had abuses they worked on fixing them so as not to allow Satan a complete foothold in the church. Out of this council came the answer as to why the church did not believe in faith alone was a very thin line.  Now in the Justification Doctrine in the first sentence, it clearly states, "There is Justification by ...