In today's world, it is very hard to trust anything. Famous words we hear in the last eight years are "fake news." But long before Pres. Trump started saying this mantra, Lucifer was saying fake news in the Garden of Eden. Satan is the father of lies and with his lies, he had Eve confused about what was the real truth. She believed the handful of lies Satan gave her and there was the downfall of humanity. Check out Genesis chapter 3 and see how deceptive Satan is in dealing with humans. Now Satan did not stop lying in Genesis but he has kept going since then in the Heavens and on Earth. Now Satan was so prideful that he thought he could deceive Jesus the very Messiah. He tried to get Jesus to doubt that He was the Son of Man. He lied, brided, and tried to sow seeds of doubt but to no avail. Jesus had Satan's number and dealt with him accordingly. You can read this for yourself in Matthew chapter 4 and Luke chapter 4. So the question is, "Where is truth, who has...
Looking at life as I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.