When I was a young man Billy Graham helped shape my faith along with John Wesley who started the Methodist Movement. This being the case for most of my life I believed my salvation was in my own hands and my eternal destiny depended on my own decision. Now having that mindset on how salvation works put me into a tailspin of thinking the right church would seal the deal. So I went to a multitude of churches thinking if I am in the "right" faith tradition it would somehow secure my salvation. Talk about frustration and sadly I put myself in that churchy hamster wheel. Now about a year and a half ago I started researching Reformed Theology. We are talking about reading about Martin Luther of course but also John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, Alistair Begg, R.C. Sproul, and others. At first, I thought they were absolutely crazy to believe that you can do "NOTHING" for your salvation. Jesus Christ did all that was necessary for my salvation. Yes, but wha...
Looking at life as I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.