I KNOW THAT SOME PEOPLE WILL READ THAT TITLE AND JUST CRINGE! BUT it is the truth and in a day and age of no absolute truth trying to poison the minds of all humanity, it is not popular. I am not interested in being popular at the expense of lies and trying to look and sound hip and intellectual. For over half a century I have studied the ancient book called the Holy Bible and it has so much truth in every area of life and faith that it is like the study of the enormous oceans of the world, endless. If the people of the world would try to follow Jesus there would be a whole lot more peace, more bellies full, more emotionally healthy people, mental health would increase, and physical health would increase if people would just try to follow even half of what the Bible teaches. Faith would be enriched and appreciated far more. There would be more countries at peace with one another. Governments would actually help their people for the right reasons instead of power holds and i...
Looking at life as I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.