We all have different ways to communicate in this world and my best way is writing. Writing allows me to clearly articulate my thoughts and feelings and the way I see life. Will I ever be a famous author, columnist, or blogger I do not know but I do hope I can at least reach a few people with my craft as a wordsmith. I have wondered the last few weeks to myself, "Do I really have anything to say that has not been said?" Yet I have this burning inside that I must still write and some belief that I must be heard. Now is this ego or narcissism or simply a desire to try and make the world better by sharing what feels like inspiration from Heaven to share on planet earth? Write and write I must and in so doing I hope to bless you the reader. Thank you for taking your time to read my posts. I have been thinking about the shooting in Charleston, South Carolina at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church and how sad and tragic that a human being can become so disconnected to the ...
Looking at life as I walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.